“Shortly after my son’s birth in September, we noticed that one of his ears was slightly folded over, resulting in a pointy appearance. We figured it was just a normal result of the birthing process, and that his ear would “round out” as he grew older. However, by the time he turned 6 weeks old his ear still had showed no signs of improvement, so we decided to take matters into our own hands and research if there were any solutions to help us. That’s when we came across EarBuddies (and we’re so glad we did!).
After reading more about their product and correctly identifying my son’s ear condition on their website (folded-over helical rim) we decided to begin his splinting treatment. We began when he was 6 weeks old and we were able to complete his treatment a few days after he turned 12 weeks. And what a successful transformation!
Before EarBuddies - 6 Weeks Old
After EarBuddies - 12 Weeks Old
We’re so happy with the results and that we happened to find this product to help our little one! It was easy to use and didn’t ever bother my son to wear it. We would certainly recommend this to anyone looking to help achieve a more natural shape to their children’s ears! Thank you EarBuddies!”
Alyssa made this compilation of her progress