Amy & her Daughter Everly

October 06, 2019

Amy & her Daughter Everly

"When my Daughter was born at full term it looked as if her little ears had been folded up the entire time she was developing in utero. Her ears had mostly “unfolded” by the time we went to her one month checkup with the exception of her right helical rim. It had a kink in it that almost made it pointed, like an elf ear. We asked the pediatrician at her one month appointment if there was anything that can be done to put some curl into the rim of her ear and were told there’s a surgical option at around five years old. We even contacted an ENT specialist friend of ours who told us almost the same thing the pediatrician had, however he added that the ear is fairly pliable until about six months of age and to mold her ear as often as we can just by working it with our hands.

At that point we started researching, thinking it must be a fairly common thing and learned there are multiple ear deformities and hers was called Stahl's Bar or Stahl's Ear. So we started researching Stahl's Ear remedies. We found a couple of ear bracing options in the US - very costly, poorly designed, and poorly marketed products - so we kept looking until we found EarBuddies. Before you even buy you can see that EarBuddies is made to correct several different types of ear deformities and malformations, it looked easy to use and the directions are on the website, the product did not require a doctor or specialist to place the splints, and the purchase price was extremely reasonable.

We ordered a kit and placed the splint when our Daughter was about nine weeks old. We followed the directions and changed the tapes every two weeks, cleaning her ear and letting it breathe for about a day before replacing the splint and tapes. She wore the splint a total of eight weeks. You could definitely tell a difference in how her ear was holding the new, normal shape each time we changed the tapes.

I’m so thankful we found this product! It was non-invasive, easy to use, cost effective, and gave our Daughter perfect little ears in very little time. The hardest part was trimming the hair around her ears!

Also in Earbuddies-stories

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