"My baby's name is Andrea and when she was born, she had perfect little, beautiful shaped ears. But I was afraid that she will have stick out ears in future as I have and her older sister has, because she inherited same ears as me. And as time past, this happened. She was very active baby from the beginning, especially throughout the night, and every morning when I looked her ears - they were folded! Every single night! So, until 4-5 months old, her ears were visibly stick out. I was really devastated.
Because I know that aesthetic operation is very expensive in Serbia and our wages are very low, I started to search the internet to find if some other solution exists. And I found your website and EarBuddies! We decided to give a try, and started to splint when Andrea was 6,5 months. We splinted about 16 weeks and results are here.
Before EarBuddies
EarBuddies Fitted
After EarBuddies
Before EarBuddies
EarBuddies Fitted
After EarBuddies
Just to mention that in some moments was very hard to put splint, especially when Andrea had already 8-9 months old, because she was already aware that she has something on the ears and few times she tried to pull down tapes. But we were persistent. And, we were very satisfied on the end.
Now, I can sleep calm and not wake up through the night to unfold the ears, because when Andrea sleep, ears are not folded any more. As parents, my husband and I are very proud because I know that when Andrea will be older she will be very happy to have beautiful perfect ears! Thanks to EarBuddies!"