Brittany, Jeremiah & their Daughter

October 15, 2019

Brittany, Jeremiah & their Daughter

"I wanted to leave a review to help other parents who may come across this product so they can make a more informed decision since the reviews were an important part of me deciding to purchase the product. I was lucky enough to have a healthy baby girl born without complications. We took her home a few days after her birth and cared for her like normal. No issues. One day when my daughter was a few weeks old a family member dropped in for a visit to see our baby. That’s when she said to me, “did you know your baby has an extra fold in her ear?” I did not notice this up until that point but she definitely did. New mom hormones kicked in and I immediately told my doctor about it.

They said that some babies can have ear deformities due to the way they are positioned in the womb. Although my paediatrician admitted they had never seen a child with an ear like hers, they said it would go away and not to worry about it. That answer didn’t sit well with me especially being a mother and wanting the best for my daughter no matter how silly the issue may seem to someone else. I did some reading on the internet which was very limited. Her ear looked very similar to those with conchal crus deformities. Although there wasn’t much information out there, everything I read stated it’s a cosmetic issue. It doesn’t seem to just go away like the doctor suggested. Also, it stated it was easiest to treat within the 1st few days and weeks of life since the ear cartilage is so soft as newborns and hardens with age. Eventually, if you do not do anything about it and did want it corrected in life later, you could have elective cosmetic surgery that is usually expensive and not covered by insurance.

After reading all this basic information I was not satisfied with my doctor’s response. I asked to see a plastic surgeon to get their opinion on it. Well that was a dead end! They didn’t schedule me for months and I could not contact anyone in the office to get seen sooner. I was worried that the longer you wait the harder it is to treat. Although I thought my daughter was perfect as her mother, I didn’t want to think about my baby girl growing into a teenager, noticing her ear and being insecure about it. Why not do something about it now instead of later risking insecurities? Especially if the only option later is surgery which sounds so extreme to me.

That is when I scoured the internet further and found the answer to all my problems. EarBuddies!! I looked at the site for hours and read all the information I could and other people’s experiences. I thought why not try them? They really were super inexpensive considering how much other options were and considering surgery later in life. After all, if it didn’t work out I could just stop and chalk it up to a failed experiment that was worth a try. It also made me nervous to think about doing it myself but there were very detailed instructions and I’m a healthcare practitioner. I can probably handle it. I ordered it and it shipped to me in reasonable time. I followed the instructions and applied them by the time she was about one month old. I got nervous and definitely changed them more frequently than instructed. I was afraid of skin breakdown. I splinted her for about 5 weeks total. Her ear was a little red during this process but no problems. There was some experimentation and adjustments needed of the EarBuddies as I went through each change to get it to fit and work better. Some people gave me weird looks and told me, “it’s just an ear!” But after that 5 weeks, she has a normal ear with no complications! My family members were surprised by our result and I was a proud mom who felt she did the right thing for her baby girl.

Baby with Conchal Crus Ear Deformity

Before EarBuddies - 1 month old

Baby Ear Review of EarBuddies

After 5 weeks using EarBuddies

Fast forward time, it has been a year and you can’t tell my baby ever had anything remotely wrong with her ear. I am so eternally grateful to EarBuddies for giving people a product that truly works in an affordable, easy to follow way that will forever impact children (including my own) for the rest of their lives. I now never have to worry one day my girl will hate her ear, get picked on for it, or try to hide her ear when she gets older. No expensive cosmetic surgery needed in her future. All thanks to EarBuddies and it being an easily accessible, affordable product available for those all over the world. The results are just amazing."

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