Emily & her Daughter Olivia

December 15, 2020

Emily & her Daughter Olivia

“I was bullied my entire school life about my stick-out ears. As a result, I never wore my hair up, never wore headbands and always tried to hide my ears as much as possible. I finally decided to have corrective surgery in my 20’s which did absolute wonders for my confidence and my self-esteem but was a painful and costly process.
When my daughter Olivia was born in late October 2020 I saw that she too had inherited my ears and though she was gorgeous, my heart instantly sank for her. She may never endure the same cruelness I did but if there was even a chance of it, I would never forgive myself for not choosing a quick, painless and non-invasive option sooner.

baby with stick out ear

Before EarBuddies

baby ear after ear buddies

After 3 Weeks

After chatting it over with my partner it was therefore a no brainer for us to use EarBuddies as quickly as possible. We started her at just over 2 weeks old and after 3 weeks her ears had improved so dramatically! I was so amazed and incredibly grateful for finding and using EarBuddies.”

Final Update: 20 Months Later

“We are delighted that our daughter’s ears are perfect and she is now nearly 2. With kindest thanks,”

Also in Earbuddies-stories

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