"When Hannah was born in January 2019, we noticed straight away that one of her ears didn’t have much internal structure, was slightly lower than the other and stuck out quite a bit. We left it for a little while and then started to research possible alternatives to ear pinning, along with speaking to midwives and other health professionals who had said there was nothing that could be done as she was too young. We soon found EarBuddies online and were very impressed with the success stories so decided to give it a go.
EarBuddies Fitted
I was a bit dubious about the fitting at first but the instructions were very helpful, plus I decided to try with help from my Mum (and a sleeping baby - thank you Hannah). The first fitting was very tricky, more so because I was learning and I worried if I was doing it right, but I got there and when I saw a visible result after the first change of the tape I was very impressed. Hannah has been so good through out this process, plus my ability to apply the splints has improved! We started splinting just before she turned 4 months, 3 months down and the results are amazing, she has internal ear structure, the ears appear more aligned at the back and it no longer sticks out.
Before EarBuddies
After 3 Months
Before EarBuddies
After 3 Months
Thank you EarBuddies!! So very pleased with these results, this product has been a life changer for Hannah, its taken away something that could have potentially lead to self-esteem issues. Both my husband and I are no longer worried about her having to grow up with one ear being very different from the other. Any parents out there who are wondering if it is worth doing……it is!"