"We realised our Daughter Alejandra's ears were pointing out when she was about a month old. I never heard about EarBuddies before until I searched online several times looking for a solution to her ears. At this point she was already 9 weeks old. We decided to go ahead but we also decided to start the splinting when she was almost 4 months old because we were going to be traveling for about 6 weeks. We moved from the UK to Greece and this involved a few trips. Even if starting the splinting later was against the advice given, we still got very good results and we are very happy.
Before EarBuddies - 4 months old
EarBuddies fitted
After 12 weeks
After 16 weeks
We cannot say it was easy because Alejandra had a lot of eczema and very sensitive skin on her face and head and she went through teething as well. We also could not keep the EarBuddies on for more than 10 days in a row, because her skin was getting very irritated but still with all these difficulties we got very good results after 16 weeks and we think it was very worth it. Alejandra's ears are not perfect but they look normal which was our goal. Thank you EarBuddies, we will ALWAYS recommend you."