Rebecca & her Son

August 15, 2021

Rebecca & her Son

“I am so thrilled with the amazing transformation in our son’s ear. He was born with Conchal Crus in his left ear. The hospital pediatrician was the first to notice it, but did not have a name for it. Two pediatricians told us they weren’t sure what it was and that our son would just have a unique ear. My mama gut told me to try to find answers and my online search quickly led me to the EarBuddies website where I immediately realized what deformity my baby had. It alarmed me to read that people with this deformity may not be able to use in-ear devices like hearing aids. Hearing loss runs in my family, so this was a big concern. We also worried about bullying from other kids in the future. We found a medical practice that would fit him with a similar splint, but it involved a very uncomfortable looking ear piece and was well over $3,000. We decided to take a chance and order EarBuddies.

baby ear sticks out

Before EarBuddies - 2 Weeks Old

ear buddies results

After EarBuddies - 4 Weeks Old

It was such a great decision. At two weeks old we inserted the splint and taped our son’s ear without him ever waking from his nap. He never seemed bothered by the tapes or splint during the two weeks we kept it in. When we removed the splint at four weeks old, we were amazed. I am so grateful for EarBuddies. People cannot believe the difference when we show them his before picture. Thank you so much EarBuddies!”

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