Tajanpreet & her Daughter

May 15, 2024

Tajanpreet & her Daughter

“We are very happy with the results. We started at 3.5 months, and used till 5.5 months with some gaps, but still so good results. First of all, I am so grateful to your company, you were the only option to fix my baby’s ear. Thank you for this product. When my daughter was born her ears looked normal to me, but after 1.5 months I noticed her ears started folding whenever she slept. And then her ears started coming out. When she was about 2 months I was so worried to see her ears out, it's in her genes her uncle has, and grandma also has ears outwards. I went to family doctor to ask her if there is anyway we can fix it, she said it's no way we can fix it. Only solution is surgery.

baby ear sticking out

Deenat's ears starting to drift outwards

I was not satisfied so I emailed different ear specialist - they all had same opinion that no way to fix 2 months baby ear. For one month I was anxious, worried about my daughter. I used Google overnight if there is anything to fix her ears. At one night I saw EarBuddies - when I saw your Instagram with results I was so happy. Next morning I made up my mind. I am going to fix her ears and she is not going to be bullied.

I ordered them right away without asking anyone in my family. She was 3 months old at that time. As we live in Canada it takes 2 weeks to arrive - by the time it came, she was 3.5 months. We started our journey when she was 3.5 months old. Everything was well explained in instructions manual, so it was easy to put on. After one week we noticed she got a minor pressure mark, so we put barrier cream on her ears for couple of days and then again we put splints and taped it for another week. I was amazed to see results in just one week. Some of days we gave her break and kept open her ears for couple of days.

Before EarBuddies

baby ear deformity solution

After EarBuddies

We saw amazing results. Today she is 6 months old we no longer splint her ears anymore. Her ears look normal now. I have shared link for before and after pics. And with splints. I am amazed with the results. Thank you. Thank you. Millions times thank you for creating this product, it's a life saver.
Lots of love,
Tajanpreet (Deenat's mom)”

Also in Earbuddies-stories

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